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Human Rights Policy

This policy’s purpose

Our human rights policy applies to all Reskinned employees. We also expect our suppliers to respect and adhere to this policy, which is addressed in our Supplier Code of Conduct. .

Reskinned is fully committed to human rights in the workplace. Our commitment includes respecting the dignity and worth of all employees, as we want to encourage everyone to reach their full potential with us and look forward to the work they do.

We are committed to protecting the human rights of all our employees and of everyone who receives direct or indirect services from us. As a responsible and ethical company, we fully support the principles of the Human Rights Act and all associated legislation.

This policy has been considered against the Modern Slavery Act, the International Bill of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

This policy sits alongside our Employee Handbook, Health and Safety Policy and our Supplier Code of Conduct.

The policy

As a business, our Human Rights Policy commits to the following:

  • Child Labour: Reskinned do not use child labour and we comply with all relevant laws in this regard.

  • Modern slavery: At Reskinned we do not make use of any forced labour or debt-bondage labour in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act. We have a zero-tolerance approach towards human trafficking.

  • Health, Safety and Hygiene: All Reskinned employees work in an environment that is both safe and healthy, in line with our Health and Safety Policy. We are always working to improve the environment our employees work in, both at home and in the office.

  • Discipline: Reskinned prohibits absolutely any form of physical abuse or discipline, the threat of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment, verbal abuse or other forms of intimidation. Disciplinary and grievance procedures are documented and communicated to all employees in our Employee Handbook, under “Grievance Process”. As per the process, all disciplinary measures of a serious nature are recorded and actioned.

  • Working Hours: Reskinned ensures that working hours comply with the law and industry standards. As per our flexibility policies in our employee handbook, we do everything we can to give you the flexibility you need for work-life balance.

  • Equality of Treatment: Reskinned is fully committed to eliminating discrimination in recruitment, training and working conditions, on grounds of race, colour, sex, age, religion, political opinion, national extraction, sexual orientation, disability or social origin and to promoting equality of opportunity and treatment as outlined in the Employment Handbook. We welcome anyone and everyone to apply for a role at Reskinned.

  • Employment terms: Reskinned provides written and clear contracts which detail the terms and conditions of its employees. We ensure that work performed by our employees is always based on recognised employment law and practice.

  • Remuneration: Reskinned always provides wages and benefits that meet national standards. We are an accredited Living Wage employer, which also extends to any outsourced services and third-party contractors we may use. We provide employees with clear written information on their pay and working conditions. As a business, we prohibit deductions on employees’ wages as a disciplinary measure, and we are committed to equal pay and benefits for all genders for work of equal value.


In line with the above, we continually seek new ways to support the promotion of human rights within our operations and sphere of influence.

Policy review

This policy was published by Michelle Barry on 01/02/2024 and will be reviewed periodically on an annual basis.

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