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It’s Second Hand September - How Can You Take Part?

30 Aug 2023

second hand September

Initiatives like Second Hand September are taking the world by storm. This is everything you need to know about the challenge and how to get involved.

Unfamiliar with the concept of Second Hand September? We’ve got you.

We’re here to share the story behind the movement, and provide you with some practical ways to participate. Of course, it would be great if we were all doing these things all year round, and that’s something we strive to do.

But for anyone getting started on their sustainable fashion journey, or anyone up for a bit of a challenge, Second Hand September is a pretty good way to begin.

Because how often do we sit down and really consider the implications of the clothes we wear on the world, and not just on how we look? September is time to invite ourselves to really connect with how we shop, why we shop, and how we could shop in a different way, making the planet a better place to be.

How Did Second Hand September Start?

Second Hand September is an annual campaign that was originally started by the environmental charity Oxfam. The campaign was launched in 2019 as a way to raise awareness on the environmental implications of fast fashion, and to encourage people to only shop second hand for the entire month.

Would you find that easy? We know here at Reskinned it’s totally possible, but for some of us, it feels like a bit of a challenge!

The campaign is there to prompt us to rethink our shopping habits and start embracing a much more sustainable approach to fashion consumption.

Why Should You Participate in Second Hand September?

It’s not just about giving your wardrobe some fresh vintage pieces - Second hand September is a way to reprogramme your shopping habits, and start to address the issues you may be causing by shopping brand new. We know, it’s not the most fun topic, but it is an important one.

It’s all about making the conscious choice to reduce your carbon footprint, and contribute to a more sustainable fashion future. We don’t need to tell you that the fashion industry is a pretty significant contributor to pollution and waste, and by opting for pre-loved items instead of new, you can massively reduce the demand for new clothes to be produced.

How Can You Get Involved?

We’ve covered the why. Now the question we’re sure you’re asking right now - how can you take part in Second Hand September? Here are a few steps to get you started:

Clean out Your Wardrobe

Begin at home, and begin with what you already own. Most of us have things lurking in our wardrobes that we’ve forgotten about, and this is a great time to either say goodbye to them, or reunite with them with a hearty hello.

Give yourself an afternoon to take things out and try them on. “Shopping” our own wardrobe is an easy way to avoid actually shopping, and we can often find things that suit our needs perfectly - you bought these things after all!

Take stock of the things you’ve worn in the last six months and the ones you’ve avoided. Are they ready to find new homes? For any of our brand partners, you can use our takeback schemes to make sure they’re rehomed or responsibly recycled, and for anything else, use a textile donation bin or donate to a charity shop for it to have a second life.

Shop Second Hand (aka pre-loved)

We encourage people to challenge themselves not to shop for clothes at all over September, but we know that can be a little bit tricky. Would you be able to?

Between our pre-loved site, peer-to-peer platforms and your local charity shops, we bet you can find some great new things if you do need them.

Rent Your Wardrobe

This is a new concept for a lot of us, but a great way to participate in a more circular fashion world, and even make some money while you’re at it!

You know those special occasion items you never seem to have the special occasion for but don’t want to throw away? 

Upload anything you don’t mind sharing, set your price and let people borrow it for a while! 

The more we can share, the more we can encourage people not to buy things that they’ll only wear once or twice.

How to Shop Second Hand

Does shopping pre-loved fill you with a little bit of anxiety? Don’t worry. Gone are the days of dusty, smelly piles of old clothes (well, okay, they might still be around somewhere, but definitely not at Reskinned). With our state-of-the-art ozone cleansing machine and garment care team, our pre-loved clothes feel clean and fresh as new.

Here are a few top tips to get you started: 

Choose brands you know you like. If you’re a die-hard Levi’s fan, for example, you’ll probably know your favourite style, or the type of fit that works for your body.

Start by searching out the brands you already know and love, and you’ll be surprised at the bargains you can find.

New with tags, but half the price? Okay then.

The dress that you swear only came out last season and sold out instantly? Not bad!

Quality over quantity. This rings true when it comes to shopping pre-loved and new. Slow your shopping habits, and go for that one piece that will last and be loved for years, instead of purchasing three different things you’re not in love with just because they’re cheap.

Yes, buying pre-loved keeps clothes in circulation and out of landfills, but at the end of the day, there’s no point having them filling up your wardrobe and never getting worn.

Enlist the help of a friend. We’ve all got that one friend who knows how to find a vintage treasure, don’t we? Pull upon their knowledge this month, and ask for their best tips and tricks to finding those special gems. Trust us, they’re dying to take you to all the best secret spots they’ve found over the years.

Write a list. Create a list of all of the amazing items that would make up your dream wardrobe. Take it with you on your pre-loved shopping trips, and you’ll stop yourself making silly impulse purchases (I once bought a ball gown because it was £3 in a charity shop, that needless to say I never wore) and be able to pick stuff you actually want and will wear for a fraction of what they’d cost new. 

How Reskinned is Getting Involved

Here at Reskinned, we always want to promote more sustainable fashion practices. During Second Hand September, we’ll be actively encouraging our community to explore other ways of shopping, and our team will be doing the challenge ourselves.

Drop us a message on instagram and share how you get on.

Second Hand September Conversation Starters

The more we share the power of pre-loved, the more impact we can have. Whether you’re a pre-loved aficionado or not (yet), use these conversation topics to spark meaningful chats with friends, family, your coworkers, the person you sit next to on the train - anyone and everyone.

Share a Story. Ask people to share the best story of something second hand in their wardrobe. It could be the price, the place they found it, or the uniqueness of the item that makes it special. Learning more about those treasured pieces really highlights the memories tied to pre-loved finds, and can make for some special sharings.

Why is buying pre-loved important? Talk about the environmental challenges in the fashion industry, and why opting for pre-loved matters. If this is something you don’t know tons about, our blog is a great place to start finding out.

Sustainable Wardrobe Tips. Exchange all the best tips and tricks for pre-loved shopping and dressing and you’ll find yourself ending the month with a wealth of knowledge. From how to get stains out to where to find the best of the best bargains, this is a conversation you’ll be glad you started

Second Hand September is more than just a month-long challenge. It’s an opportunity to take a proper look at the impact you’re really having, and your personal relationship with fashion and shopping. It’s an invitation to shake things up, see things differently and challenge yourself to take new approaches. You might even surprise yourself by loving it. We know we do!

By participating, you’re not only embracing pre-loved (woo) but also making a pretty important statement about the kind of world you want to live in. The more we try, the more we share, the more it becomes a standard part of our clothes-buying landscape.

So share it with your friends, talk to that family member you know would never step foot in a charity shop, and explore the positive impact you can make. And of course, make it good fun.

Shop pre-loved here.

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