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Pre-loved Fashion Dictionary: Decoding the Language of Sustainable Style

22 Aug 2023

Fashion Dictionary - Reskinned

The world of fashion – it's not just about clothing anymore; it's a language, a lifestyle, and now, more than ever, a movement towards sustainability.

The world of fashion – it's not just about clothing anymore; it's a language, a lifestyle, and now, more than ever, a movement towards sustainability. Which we are very much here for.

As we strive to make our wardrobes kinder to the planet, a slew of pre-loved terms have emerged, which can be mind-boggling, to say the least.

This isn't a secret code; it's your guide to understanding the jargon of eco-friendly style. Now you can chat to your friends, family, co-workers, pets and parents about all things pre-loved.


Definition: Vintage is not just an old piece of clothing; it's a treasure from the past that exudes character and history.

Generally, an item is considered vintage if it's at least 20 years old. Think of it as your fashion time machine.


Definition: Pre-loved is a fancy term for "second-hand," which means someone else loved and worn that piece before you.

Buying and selling pre-loved is a great way to give garments a longer life and prevent them from becoming landfill material, not to mention cheaper than buying something new (a win-win, we hear you say?)

Takeback Scheme

Definition: Ever wondered what to do with those worn-out jeans, shoes that have fallen apart, or the dress that didn’t fit, and you forgot to return in time?

A take-back scheme is like a fashion recycling program. Brands offer to takeback their old items, which they then resell, repurpose or recycle. We offer takeback schemes with some brilliant brands who will give you a voucher in exchange, that you can spend on something new to replace the piece you’re letting go of.

Goodbye, landfill guilt!


Definition: This term gets thrown around a lot, but it's pretty straightforward.

Eco-friendly fashion refers to clothing and accessories that are made with the planet in mind. It involves using sustainable materials, reducing waste, and minimising the carbon footprint. 

Any brand who is making active choices to reduce their footprint can be classed as an eco-friendly brand, which is why it can sometimes be tricky to know which is the best option when you shop.

In general though, the bigger the brand, the more they have to do to be classed as eco-friendly.


Definition: Upcycling is the creative art of turning discarded or old items into something better.

It's like fashion DIY with a purpose – your old jeans could become a cool denim jacket like our partners ELV denim make. Upcycling isn’t to be confused with recycling, which is when something is destructed in order to turn into something new.

Upcycling means making something new out of it in its current state.

Capsule Wardrobe

Definition: Sick of staring at a closet full of clothes and still feeling like you have nothing to wear? We’ve been there!

A capsule wardrobe is a curated collection of versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched to create numerous outfits. Minimalist and easy to pick from – it's been dubbed the future of dressing, and is an awesome way to make getting dressed more sustainable.


Definition: Thrifting is the art of hunting for hidden gems in second-hand stores. It's like a fashion treasure hunt where you never know what you'll find – from vintage dresses to something brand new still with tags.

Slow Fashion

Definition: You’ve heard of fast fashion, right? Slow fashion is the antithesis of fast fashion. It's all about mindful consumption, focusing on quality over quantity, and investing in pieces that stand the test of time.

In essence, it means slow down, and enjoy the sartorial journey.


Definition: Deadstock is the unsold inventory that never made it to the shop floor. It's sort of like a fashion time capsule – you might discover limited-edition pieces or iconic designs that were never worn.

Fair Trade

Definition: Fair trade fashion ensures that the people who make the garments are treated fairly and paid a living wage. It's about ethical production practices and supporting the rights of workers.

Look out for the fair trade label on everything from clothes and shoes to chocolate and christmas cards.


Definition: Remember those clothes your older sibling passed down to you?

That's a hand-me-down. It's the OG pre-loved fashion – sustainable and sentimental. Hand-me-downing (we’re not sure that is a term, but we’re making it one), is a great way to clear out your old clothes and make sure they’re going to a good home.

Why not host a swap with friends or family members, and invite people to take home anything they want, and swap it for anything they’re no longer wearing?


Definition: Repurposing means giving new life to old clothing items by using them for something new. This one is similar to upcycling, and can often be used interchangeably, but the difference is that something upcycled will be changed for its new use, whereas when you repurpose something it tends to stay the same. 

Think old shoes being used as plant pots, or tshirts turning into tote bags. 

Carbon Footprint

Definition: Your carbon footprint is the environmental impact of your actions, including fashion choices. It measures how much carbon dioxide is released into the earth’s atmosphere as a result of an individual’s actions. Yours will be higher if you do lots of carbon-negative activities (like going on tons of holidays, driving a big car, buying excess stuff).

Opting for sustainable fabrics and local brands, or shopping pre-loved can help reduce your fashion carbon footprint.


Definition: Biodegradable materials break down naturally into the environment without leaving harmful traces.

Choosing biodegradable fabrics means that they won’t stick around for hundreds of years in landfill, so you can be safe in the knowledge that you can dispose of them sustainably at the end of their life.

Most natural fabrics tend to be biodegradable as long as they aren’t mixed with a synthetic fibre, or dyed with harmful chemicals.

Zero Waste

Definition: Most of the time, the creation of a piece of clothing involves waste. That could be the scraps of fabric left after cutting pattern pieces or bits of thread or trims that aren’t needed for the final garment.

Zero waste fashion aims to eliminate textile waste during production. It involves using every scrap of fabric creatively, leaving nothing to waste.

Carbon Neutral

Definition: Carbon neutral means that the carbon emissions produced by a brand's operations are balanced out by carbon removal or offsetting initiatives. It's fashion with a net-zero carbon impact.

Sustainable Materials

Definition: Sustainable materials are those that are kinder to the environment. Think organic cotton, bamboo, and Tencel – they require less water and fewer chemicals.

Minimalist Style

Definition: Minimalist style is all about simplicity and clean lines. It's about owning fewer items but making each one count. There isn’t a set amount of clothes, or style of clothing that’s defined as minimalism though - you can be a minimalist who loves patterns and prints, but only has a few things in their wardrobe.

Ethical Fashion

Definition: Ethical fashion considers both the environment and the people who make the clothes. It's all about ensuring fair wages, safe working conditions, and sustainable practices.

Circular Fashion

Definition: Circular fashion is a model that aims to keep clothing in use for as long as possible. It involves recycling, upcycling, and creating a loop where garments never truly become waste.

We believe that takeback schemes are an amazing way to close the loop, as we make sure everything is repurposed, and nothing goes to landfill.

Local Fashion

Definition: Local fashion supports brands that produce clothing within your community or country. It reduces the carbon footprint by minimising transportation distances.

Instead of buying clothes made halfway across the world, are you able to buy something made by a local pair of hands?

Conscious Consumerism

Definition: Conscious consumerism is all about being mindful of your purchases. It involves asking questions about a garment's origin, materials, and impact before adding it to your cart.

It’s also about slowing down your shopping process. Asking if you really need something and are going to use it enough to justify buying it.

Biodegradable Packaging

Definition: Biodegradable packaging is eco-friendly wrapping that breaks down naturally, leaving no trace behind. It's a small step with a big impact.

Often we forget about the impact our packaging has on the environment, but with an increase in online shopping, it’s important to make sure you’re choosing biodegradable whenever possible.

Natural Dye

Definition: Natural dye is derived from plants and other natural sources. It's a sustainable alternative to synthetic dyes that often release harmful chemicals into the environment.

Sustainable Certification

Definition: A sustainable certification is like a seal of approval for eco-friendly fashion. It confirms that the brand adheres to specific environmental and ethical standards.

Conscious Wardrobe

Definition: A conscious wardrobe is one filled with thoughtfully curated items that align with your values. It's not about having the most clothes but the right ones.

You can turn your wardrobe into a conscious one by taking stock of what you own, and letting go of anything you no longer wear, so all that remains is the stuff you really love.

Repair Culture

Definition: Repair culture is the movement to fix and mend clothing rather than discarding it. It's all about valuing what you have and reducing waste.


Definition: Recloseting is an American term that’s all about rediscovering forgotten gems at the back of your wardrobe. It's like shopping without spending a penny – your old clothes become new again.

Fashion Revolution

Definition: Fashion Revolution is a global movement advocating for a more transparent and ethical fashion industry. 

It's about asking brands, "Who made my clothes?"

Sustainable Swaps

Definition: Sustainable swaps involve replacing everyday items with eco-friendly alternatives.

It's as simple as switching out single-use plastic bags for reusable totes. These little changes can actually make a pretty big difference - especially if lots of us get involved.

Conscious Packaging

Definition: Conscious packaging is all about reducing waste from the get-go. It's choosing packaging materials that are recyclable, biodegradable, or reusable to keep the planet smiling.

Trial it with the next time you’re buying a gift for someone you love - can you make it eco-friendly and conscious? We love using vintage fabrics and handkerchiefs to wrap presents, so the wrapping becomes a gift in itself.

Ethical Sourcing

Definition: Ethical sourcing means tracing the journey of materials, ensuring they come from environmentally friendly and socially responsible sources.

AKA: Fashion with a conscience.

Natural Fibres

Definition: Natural fibres, like cotton, linen, and wool, come from plants or animals.

They're biodegradable and often have a lower environmental impact than synthetic alternatives.


Definition: Greenwashing is when brands falsely claim to be eco-friendly to attract environmentally conscious consumers. It's like putting a fancy label on a not-so-fancy reality.

Recycled Fashion

Definition: Recycled fashion involves transforming discarded materials into new clothing. It's the ultimate in turning trash into fashion treasures.

There you have it - our Pre-Loved Fashion Dictionary - your passport to the world of sustainable style. From vintage finds to zero waste best practices, these terms are your guide to making - and talking about - greener fashion choices.

Remember, each step towards a more sustainable wardrobe is a step towards a more circular fashion future. 

Happy pre-loved shopping!

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