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What is Plastic Free July? How it Began and How to Take Part

5 Jul 2023

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Ready to join the millions of people all over the world who are taking on the challenge of single-use plastic?

You don’t need to be a climate activist to know that plastic pollution is taking over the planet, and single-use plastic waste is a huge part of the problem. From coffee cups to food packaging, the rubbish is piling up all over the world, and we need to do something drastic.

This was the reason that Rebecca Prince-Ruiz founded Plastic Free July in 2011 (which has since grown to be the Plastic Free Foundation). Over the years the movement has grown to become one of the most influential environmental campaigns in the world.

The aim of the project was to challenge people globally to take action against their own use of single-use plastics, and make little changes that have the potential to turn into big habits.

The Plastic Free Foundation has loads of great ideas on how you can get involved, and we’ve broken it down to make it easy for you to find your own way to take part.

Why not find out more about sustainable swimwear fabrics, or the impact your shopping is having on the ocean?

Benefits of Going Plastic Free

Plastic Free July is all about minimising your plastic use, and swapping to reusable materials whenever you can. There are tons of benefits of choosing a plastic free lifestyle. 

Environmental Benefits of going plastic free:

Taking part in Plastic Free July means contributing to preserving the environment in various different ways that can have a really positive impact.

Globally we’re producing 370 million metric tons of plastic a year, which is 80% more than in the 1990s.

Of all of the plastic waste discarded by the US, only around 5% is recycled. That means 95% of the roughly 51 million tonnes of plastic thrown away is scattered through our oceans, landfills and the atmosphere.  In the UK we’re actually the second biggest producer of plastic waste per capita in the world (Statista) after the US.

By reducing our plastic consumption, we can use fewer natural resources, meaning less greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere, less fossil fuels used, and lower energy consumption - all good news for the environment.

Embracing a plastic-free lifestyle also means less plastic waste ending up in our oceans and ecosystems, protecting marine life and biodiversity.

Individually, switching to plastic alternatives might feel like it only makes a small difference, but a collective effort means cleaner streets, beaches and natural habits - making the world a greener place.

Financial Benefits of going plastic free:

Sometimes the sustainable choice can be the more expensive one, but when it comes to reducing our plastic usage, this doesn’t have to be the case.

In fact, participating in plastic free July (and a plastic free lifestyle overall) can actually save you money in the long run.

Although some single-use plastic items can be cheaper initially, the long term costs of repeat purchasing single-use plastics quickly add up. By switching to reusable alternatives, you can save money on constantly buying disposable plastics.

With a little bit of forethought, we can make a big difference.

How to Participate in Plastic Free July

Identify Single-Use Plastics in Your Life:

Single use plastics are such a big part of most of our everyday lives without us even realising it. For Plastic Free July, start by taking notice of the plastic you’re using in your day-to-day, so you can plan where you can make changes that will reduce the amount you use.

Taking notice is the first step towards creating better habits.

For example, if you know you like to get a coffee on the way to work, can you start bringing a reusable cup? 

Do you pack your kids’ lunch boxes with sandwiches wrapped in clingfilm that could be swapped out for reusable beeswax wraps?

Remember, it’s about making sustainable choices that align with your lifestyle and gradually transition away from plastic for the long term.

Plastic Free fabrics

Avoid Buying (New) Plastic Clothes

Did you know that nylon, acrylic and polyester are all made of plastic?

A huge percentage of the clothes for sale on the highstreet are made from plastic, which can be seriously hard to recycle. For Plastic Free July, set yourself the challenge to only buy clothes made from natural fabrics like cotton or linen for the whole month.

You might find it a bit challenging - especially if you try and do this long term. And sometimes clothes made from plastic-based fabrics are necessary for the job at hand - like when we buy a waterproof jacket, or walking boots, the plastic is usually important.

Luckily  we have a solution.

Buying your clothes pre-loved allows you to purchase the highstreet pieces you love without contributing to excess plastic waste, or natural oil usage. Because pre-loved clothes have already been worn and loved, you’re choosing to save them from landfill, and stopping the need for something new to be produced.

Check out our selection of both natural and man-made fabrics on Reskinned to celebrate Plastic Free July in sustainable style.

Another way to reduce the amount of plastic waste you’re creating when you shop, is to choose clothes made from recycled fabrics, like recycled polyester, nylon or acrylic. Our blog on sustainable swimwear fabrics gives you the lowdown on where to find the best eco swim alternatives, and our brand partners Finisterre use recycled nylon made from reclaimed fishing nets for their designs.

plastic free July metal bottle

Say No to Single-Use Plastics:

The most effective way to take part could well be the most challenging - but it’s called a challenge for a reason! 

Make a pact with yourself to refuse all single-use plastics in your daily life for 30 days.

Invest in reusable shopping bags, bottles and containers, and you’ll find it much easier to carry your groceries and drinks without contributing to unnecessary plastic waste.

When shopping, opt for loose fruit and vegetables when possible to make a big difference to the need for plastic packaging, and keep a reusable bag with you to avoid having to buy one when you’re out.

Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is a global movement that empowers people and businesses all over the world to make conscious choices when it comes to their single-use plastic waste.

By embracing a lifestyle that minimises plastics when possible, we can collectively create a massive positive impact on the environment and our health - and even save some cash while we do it.

By shopping more thoughtfully, choosing pieces that are made from natural fabrics or recycled plastic and buying pre-loved, we can drastically reduce the amount of newly made plastic in our wardrobes.

Small changes in our daily habits can lead to the most significant transformations, and when millions of people join this movement, the change is noticeable on a huge scale.

Are you going to join in and pave the way for a more sustainable future?

Why not reduce your environmental impact even more by shopping pre-loved, or learn more about shopping sustainably.

Sign up to Reskinned to find out more about what we do and be the first to find out when drops are happening from the brands you love.